En Contrucció

Todo es provisional....

Dades personals

La meva foto
Fotos de graffiti Barcelona : http://mikelfalcon.blogspot.com/ Zembat denboran izango zaitugu, jauna ?/2012 /També estem a www.flickr.com/photos/mike_falcon/3665178093/ www.flickr.com/photos/mike_falcon/3665996840/

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Blog de Aryz (Mixed Media) Nº81
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Un dibujo genial en las paredes

Poseydon como su propio nombre indica es ya un personaje mítico en el panorama artístico catalán. Hasta los grafiteros más antiguos lo ponen como referencia del mejor mural realista ...Desde Granollers junto con Aryz, Grito, Nilin, Nychos, Aeec, Rgtd, Kikx (Mixed Media project)...crean y proyectan un mundo propio lleno de connotaciones gráficas y visuales ...murales de grandes dimensiones que decoran túneles, rieras, carreteras y viejas fábricas en Mollet,Granollers, Cardedeu ....En Construcció



Tolking about graffiti, Poseydon say:

With a humble and sincere perspective of wanting to show something that moves me...that evolves quickly, that bums out and disappears in the inconsolable rhythm of the beats that marks the countdown of our lives. I have the privilege of showing a few fragments of the creations by a fascinated dreamer, who awoke one day by wanting to break the grey by pouring my heart on pathetic horizons of the suburbs. I lived this is stolen moments at work, sometimes from family and friends and many sleepless nights. In this documentation I civilize a part of my most untamed self. In exchange, I let this remain a little longer in time. There are very few of us that choose the world graffiti as a flag o liberty, without dogmas, in my way of understanding it, in constant transformation, in its ever-subversive techniques. Today, I am still perplexed in the face of the prison in which we live, and fight to live this part of my existence without chains.
Ars Longa...Vita Brevis

Arxiu de fotos

Flicker: Poseydon/ MikelFalcon/Bcn Style

Amb Grito/Rgtd

Amb Grito/Rgtd



Parets del Vallés

Amb Panor

Amb Panor
Tres Chimeneas

diumenge, 10 de gener del 2010


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